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Search result for words containing 里: 419 word(s) found.

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Tarim river of Xinjiang
pén Tarim Basin depression in southern Xinjiang
Sài wéi nuò(Jean-Michel) Severino, CEO of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
shìTabriz city in northwest Iran, capital of Iranian East Azerbaijan
dǎoBolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk; same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子岛
Tali or Dali city in Taichung county 台中县, Taiwan
shìTali or Dali city in Taichung county 台中县, Taiwan
Damali or Tamali township in Taitung county 台东县, southeast Taiwan; same as Taimali 太麻里
xiāngDamali or Tamali township in Taitung county 台东县, southeast Taiwan; same as Taimali 太麻里
Tài Taimali township in Taitung county 台东县, southeast Taiwan
Tài xiāngTaimali township in Taitung county 台东县, southeast Taiwan

shī zhī háo ,
miù qiān
a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses

shī zhī háo ,
chà zhī qiān
a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses

shī zhī háo ,
chà qiān
a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses
Ào Aubrey (name)
Ào bāngOrissa, eastern Indian state bordering Bangladesh
Ào Aurelia, a hypothetical planet

hǎo shì chū mén ,
è shì chuán qiān
lit. good deeds do not go beyond the door, evil deeds spread a thousand miles; a good deed goes unnoticed, but scandal spreads fast (idiom)
háng jiānbetween the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning; connotations
jiā home
Fuli township in Hualien county 花莲县, east Taiwan
xiāngFuli township in Hualien county 花莲县, east Taiwan
yóu qínukulele; traditional form also written 烏克麗麗
Yóu · wén Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch documentary filmmaker and committed communist
jiù an internal matter; inside story
rensee 居礼夫人
zuǒ lín yòu see 左邻右舍

chā zhī háo ,
shī zhī qiān
the slightest difference leads to a huge loss (idiom); a miss is as good as a mile

chā zhī háo ,
miù qiān
the slightest difference leads to a huge error (idiom); a miss is as good as a mile
kūnBarkol Kazakh autonomous county or Barköl Qazaq aptonom nahiyisi in Kumul prefecture 哈密地区, Xinjiang

kūn zhì xiànBarkol Kazakh autonomous county or Barköl Qazaq aptonom nahiyisi in Kumul prefecture 哈密地区, Xinjiang
kūn xiànBarkol Kazakh autonomous county or Barköl Qazaq aptonom nahiyisi in Kumul prefecture 哈密地区, Xinjiang
kūn cǎo yuánBarkol grasslands near Hami in Xinjiang
dǎoisland of Bali
tǎn Brittany (France); Bretagne
tuō ěrBristol port city in southwest England
dùnBridgetown, capital of Barbados
tuō ěr hǎi xiáBristol channel in southwest England
bānBrisbane, capital of Queensland, Australia
Hillary (person name); Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician, First lady during Bill Clinton's presidency 1993-2001, Senator for New York since 2001, US Secretary of state from 2009
· lín dùnHillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician, First lady during Bill Clinton's presidency 1993-2001, Senator for New York since 2001, US Secretary of state from 2009
Paramaribo, capital of Suriname
Patrick (name)
Píng ān Ping'an Li (street name in Beijing)
Tigris River, Iraq