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Search result for words starting with 超: 96 word(s) found.

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chāo guòto surpass; to exceed; to outstrip
chāoto exceed; overtake; surpass; transcend; ultra-; super-; to pass; to cross
chāo guósuperpower
chāo éabove quota
chāo chūto exceed; to overstep; to go too far; to encroach
chāo zhīto overspend
chāo qiánto be ahead of one's time; to surpass or outdo one's predecessors; to be ahead of the pack; to take the lead; advanced
chāo chǎnto exceed a production goal
chāo duǎn ultra short wave (radio); UHF
chāo shēng ultrasound (scan)
chāo rénsuperhuman; exceptional; Superman, comic book superhero
chāo super-; ultra-; hyper-
chāo ránsupernatural
chāo zàito overload
chāo tuōto stand aloof; to be detached from; to transcend worldliness; untrammeled; unconventional
chāo zhòngoverweight (baggage, freight)
chāo yīn supersonic
chāo dǎosuperconductor; superconductivity (physics)
chāo yuèto surpass; to exceed; to transcend
chāo fánout of the ordinary; exceedingly (good)
chāo qián shíforesight
chāo qián xiāo fèiexcessive consumption; overspending on luxuries
chāo qián miáo zhǔnto aim in front of a moving target
chāo shēngexaltation
chāo shāngconvenience store; supermarket
chāo xìng yánultrabasic rock (geology, rock containing less than 45 percent silicates)
chāo méi hypermedia
chāo duì chènsupersymmetry
chāo dǎo diànsuperconductance (physics)
chāo dǎo diàn xìngsuperconductivity (physics)
chāo dǎo diàn superconductor
chāo dǎo superconductor
chāo shìsupermarket (abbr.); CL:
chāo píng miànhyperplane (math.)
chāo to surpass; to transcend; to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace
chāo xiánsuper-string
chāo xián lùn(super-) string theory
chāo superego
chāo mǐn fǎn yìnghypersensitivity
chāo wén jiànhypertext
chāo wén jiàn chuán shū xié dìnghypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
chāo wén běnhypertext
chāo wén běn chuán shū xié dìnghypertext transfer protocol; HTTP
chāo wén běn chuán sòng xié hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
chāo wén běn biāo yánhypertext markup language; HTML
chāo xīn xīngsupernova
chāo xīn xīng shèng supernova residue (a type of nebula)
chāo biāoto exceed the norm; to be over the limit
chāo supermodel
chāo fàn shén lùnpanentheism, theological theory of God as equal to the Universe while transcending it