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Search result for words containing 致: 87 word(s) found.

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zhìpeak; pinnacle; ultimate
Biāo zhìPeugeot
biāo zhibeautiful (of woman); pretty
zhì(used at the end of a letter to introduce a polite salutation)
zhì jìng respectfully yours (at the end of a letter)
diào zhìto be united in action
shū zhìdifferent; unusual scene
háo èr zhìthere cannot be another one like it
mǎn chǎng zhìunanimous
cái zhì to become rich; enrichment
jìn zhìin the finest detail
zhì producing abnormality; leading to genetic malformation; teratogenic
luó zhìto employ; to recruit (talented personnel); to gather together (a team)
zhì shìto retire from a government post (old)
zhì to express; to present; to extend; to tender (greetings, thanks etc)
zhì lěng refrigerant
zhì āito express grief; to mourn
zhì qiànto apologize; to express regret
zhì liànglethal dose
zhì xìngdeadly; terminal
zhì xìng lethal agent
zhì cánto be crippled (in an accident etc)
zhì bìng jūnpathogenic bacteria
zhì áicarcinogenic; to cause cancer
zhì ái carcinogen
zhì ái zhìcarcinogen; cancer causing substance
zhì to congratulate
zhì to express in words or writing; to make a speech (esp. short introduction, vote of thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to address (an audience); same as 致词
zhìcarefree; in the mood for enjoyment
cuò luò yǒu zhìin picturesque disorder (idiom); irregular arrangement with charming effect
rén shēn zhìrefined pleasure of poetic minds
fēi zhì mìngnot fatal; not life-threatening (medical condition)
yùn zhìgrace; natural charm
Zhì yuǎnMa Zhiyuan, Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 杂剧 tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan dramatists 元曲四大家
gāo zhì bìng xìnghighly pathenogenic
zhìRitz (hotel chain)
zhì to devote to; to dedicate to