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Search result for words containing 微: 141 word(s) found.

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wēi demeager
wēi chǔ microprocessor
wēi chǔ microprocessor
wēi xuè guǎncapillary
wēi guān jīng micro-economic
wēi jiànhumble; lowly
Wēi ruǎnMicrosoft corporation
Wēi ruǎn gōng Microsoft corporation
wēi mildly spicy
wēi xūntipsy
wēi liàng bái dàn báimicroalbumin
wēi diāoa miniature (carving)
wēi diàn microelectronics
wēi diàn xuémicroelectronics
wēi diàn nǎomicrocomputer
wēi jìng màicapillary vein
wēiminuscule quantity; minor matter
xuán wēi particulates; particulate matter
huì xīn wēi xiàoa knowing smile (idiom)
miǎo wēiremote and insignificant (idiom)
lián wēi yàngripples; riffles
bái wēi xiáa slight blemish
wēito accumulate tiny quantities (idiom)
wēi gōngpalace of Jade emperor (in Taoism)
wēi dòu shùZi Wei Dou Shu, a form of Chinese fortune-telling
wēi jiétiny insignificant details; niceties
xiān wēislight; slim
wēiHu Ziwei (1970-), PRC lady TV presenter
jiàn wēi zhī zhùone tiny clue reveals the general trend (idiom); small beginnings show how things will develop
shì wēi zhī zhuóone tiny clue reveals the general trend (idiom); small beginnings show how things will develop
shí wēi jiàn lit. see a tiny bit and understand everything (idiom)
shì wēi tiáoan appropriate amount of fine-tuning
Yuè wēi cǎo táng Notes on minutely observed thatched hut by Ji Yun 纪昀, novel of supernatural; The thatched study of close scrutiny
Tàn wēiLu Tanwei (active c. 450-490), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家
fēi wēi rǎonon-perturbative (physics)
hàn shǒu wēi xiàoto nod and smile
xiǎn wēi xuémicroscopy
xiǎn wēi jìng zuòMicroscopium (constellation)
xiǎn wēi jìng zài piànmicroscopic slide
wēito emphasize down to last detail (idiom); to show every possible consideration; meticulous care
tiē wēito show every possible consideration (idiom); meticulous care