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Search result for words containing 寒: 77 word(s) found.

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Hán bào the Cambrian explosion
Hán shēng mìng bào the Cambrian explosion
hán máofine hair on the human body
hán chenugly; shameful; to ridicule
hán shèmy humble home
hán cháncicada in winter; fig. mournful sound
hán suānwretched; poverty-stricken; unpresentable (for clothing, gifts etc)
hán ménpoor and humble family; my family (humble)
hán fēng bone chilling wind (idiom)
hán shícold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festival 清明节); the Qingming festival
Xiǎo hánLesser Cold, 23rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四节气 6th-19th January
xīn hánbe very disappointed
shǔ jiǔ hán tiānnine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year
bān zhěn shāng hántyphus
zhěn lěng qīn háncold pillow and lonely bed (idiom); fig. cold and solitary existence
hán yáolit. broken tiles, cold hearth; fig. a broken-down house; poor and shabby dwelling
dǎn hán xīnlit. to bust guts and freeze the heart (idiom); terrifying; to scare sb badly
hánto dispel cold (in traditional Chinese medicine)
hánbitter cold
huāng hándesolate and cold; frozen wastes
jiě hánto relieve cold
hánto escape the cold by going on a winter holiday
fáng hán overcoat; down jacket; winter wear
jìng ruò hán chánas quiet as a cicada in winter (idiom)
fēng hánwind and cold air; cold weather; common cold (medicine)
shǔ xíng bān zhěn shāng hánmurine typhus
shǔ zǎo xíng bān zhěn shāng hánmurine typhus fever