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Search result for words containing 周: 152 word(s) found.

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Xià Shāng zhōuXia, Shang and Zhou, the earliest named Chinese dynasties
wài liè zhōu perisylvian (the part of the brain surrounding the lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure), involved in speech
wài liè zhōu wéiperisylvian (the part of the brain surrounding the lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure), involved in speech
fèi zhōu zhāngto take great pains; to go to a lot of trouble
tài píng yáng zhōu biānPacific Rim
tài yáng hēi zhōusunspot cycle
suǒ zhōu zhīas is well known; as everyone knows
shù zhōuseveral weeks
Xīn wén Zhōu kānNewsweek magazine; also written 新闻周刊
zhōuQuzhou county in Handan 邯郸, Hebei
zhōu xiànQuzhou county in Handan 邯郸, Hebei
běn zhōuthis week
běn zhōu this Monday
běn zhōu sānthis Wednesday
běn zhōu èrthis Tuesday
běn zhōu this Friday
běn zhōu liùthis Saturday
běn zhōu this Thursday
西Dōng ZhōuEastern Zhou (1046-771 BC) and Western Zhou (770-221 BC)
Lín zhōuLhünzhub county, Tibetan: Lhun grub rdzong in Lhasa 拉萨, Tibet
Lín zhōu xiànLhünzhub county, Tibetan: Lhun grub rdzong in Lhasa 拉萨, Tibet
Liáng Táng Jìn Hàn Zhōu shūanother name for History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 旧五代史
Shū zhōu Ming dynasty record (1574) of exploration and foreign relations
měi zhōuevery week
měi zhōu once a week
zhōu yánperiodontisis (gum disorder)
zhōu bìngperiodontitis (gum disorder)
shēng mìng zhōu life cycle
shén shèng zhōuHoly week; Easter week (esp. Catholic)
děng zhōuisoperimetric
děng zhōu děng shìthe isoperimetric inequality
Jiǎn shì fáng zhōu kānJane's defense weekly
bāo zhōu cell cycle
jīng zhōu economic cycle
Shèng shén jiàng lín zhōuWhitsuntide
zhuāng zhōu mèng diéZhuangzi 庄子 dreams of a butterfly (or is it the butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi?)
zhōu Monday
zhōu sānWednesday
zhōu èrTuesday
zhōu Friday
zhōu liùSaturday
zhōu Thursday
zhōu jìngcircumference and radius; the circular ratio pi
zhōu Sunday
zhōu shùperiodic number
zhōu periodic system; cf periodic table of the elements 元素周期表
zhōu biǎothe Periodic Table
zhōu jiěperiodic solution (math.)
zhōu kuàiHave a nice weekend!
kāi zhōu development cycle; development period