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Search result for words containing 罪: 125 word(s) found.

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xīng shī wèn zuìto send punitive forces against; to go in numbers to attack another party with condemnations
huā qián zhǎo zuì shòuto spend money on sth that turns out to be unsatisfactory or even disastrous
xíng shú zuìpenance (to atone for a sin)

yán zhě zuì ,
wén zhě jiè
don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom); an exhortation to speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously
zhà piàn zuìfraud
qǐng zuìto apologize humbly; to beg forgiveness
móu shā zuìmurder
xiè zuìto apologize for an offence; to offer one's apology for a fault
jīng qǐng zuìlit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom); to offer sb a humble apology
péi zuìto apologize
shú zuìto atone for one's crime; to buy freedom from punishment; redemption; atonement
Shú zuì Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (Jewish holiday)
Shú zuì zhàn zhēngthe Yom Kippur war of October 1973 between Israel and her Arab neighbors
shè zuìto forgive (an offender)
bàn zuìto punish
zāo zuìto endure; to suffer hardships; hard time; nuisance
zhòng zuìserious crime; felony
kāi zuìto offend sb; to give offence; to displease
kāi tuō zuì to absolve sb from guilt; to exonerate; to exculpate
jiàn dié zuìcrime of spying
yīn móu diān zhèng zuìthe crime of conspiracy to overthrow the government
lǐng zuìto confess one's fault; to accept one's punishment
diān guó jiā zuìcrime of incitement to overthrow the state; abbr. for 煽动颠覆国家政权
diān zhèng zuìcrime of incitement to overthrow the state; abbr. for 煽动颠覆国家政权
diān zuìcrime of incitement to overthrow the state; abbr. for 煽动颠覆国家政权